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Four Gutenberg prizes


The Gala Gutenberg is an important showcase for the printing and packaging industry. Imprimerie Ste-Julie, saw its efforts rewarded by winning four trophies in the categories:

? Flexible Packaging: Jets, Personal Foam Bath
? Food Packaging : Central Kitchen Ready-to-Eat, Linerless Adoni
? Labels: Distillery Vent du Nord, Eglantine
? Jury’s favorite ❤: istillerie Vent du Nord, Églantine
You can go see all of the pieces that were submitted in each category:

Our greatest pride is the award ❤Jury’s favorite❤, because it is the recognition by our peers of the colossal work that was necessary to deploy to realize this exceptional label for an exceptional product!
Thank you to our client Distillerie Vent du Nord and its owner Catherine Blier who gave us all her confidence for this colorful project. It’s so nice to work with passionate entrepreneurs!

Thank you to all our clients who trust us year after year!

Above all, a huge THANK YOU to our 120 employees to whom we can never say THANK YOU enough! ???

Without each of them, none of this would be possible!
We’d love to name them all, because we know them, we know their families, and they work hard every day to deliver quality products…they are the ones who make the difference!

#galagutenberg2022 #printingcompany #galagutenberg #emotions #label #entrepreneurs