Green and Eco-printing Shop

Green and Eco-printing Shop

Discover Our Values and Commitments to Reduce the Eco-footprint of Your Labels and Packaging

Greener and Socially Responsible Printing,
now that Speaks to Us!

Firmly embedded in our DNA, the reduction of our carbon footprint is at the heart of our company’s eco-friendly approach. As of autumn 2018, we committed ourselves to sustainable development and management practices as directed by our permanent Sustainable Development committee (SD).

At Imprimerie Ste-Julie, we are convinced that it is possible to value sustainable technology, not only in the interest our clientele, but in their own clients’ interest too. It is these small gestures that add up and can make a real difference for the generations to come.

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Putting Words into Action

Our certifications and partners in sustainable development make us proud!


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Our 3 Axes of Sustainable Development

Governance and Economy
Integrating Agile and Innovative Management Practices, Our Eco-responsible Strategy Makes Us Influential in Our Field
Governance and Economy
Social Equality
Thanks to our eco-responsible initiatives and practices, we are the choice partner of our clientele, employees, community.
Social Equality
Environmental Protection
Our initiatives aim to reduce the residual waste of a circular economy, to reduce GES, and to improve our carbon footprint.
Environmental Protection

Resolutely Green Projects

Check out our eco-responsible accomplishments.


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